Journey of Worship 


Worship is central to the Christian life.  Understanding how we can progress through worship will help us become better worshippers.

Here is a helpful framework:

Stage       Description Sample Scripture
Exaltation Worshippers give praise and thanks to God.  God receives praise from people and welcomes them. Psalm 100
Reflection Worshippers confess their sins. God forgives their sins. 1 John 1:5-9
Adoration Worshippers draw near to God. God pours out his Spirit. James 4:8
Consummation Worshippers receive and express gifts of the Spirit.  God revealed in Word and Deed. John 17:20-21
Commission Worshippers go out into the world empowered by the Spirit. God commissions his people. Matt 28:16-20

When you come to worship God, it is worthwhile being intentional about engaging with each stage.  With practice it will become an integral part of your worshipping life.

David Wanstall, 03/12/2016