Stop (don't Swap) 

stop swap

In our sabbath season where we have downtime to rest. the four moves are:

  1. Stop
  2. Rest
  3. Delight
  4. Worship

But our downtime can get sabotaged at the beginning if we don't Stop properly.

And the greatest danger is that we Swap instead of Stop.

  • we stop work but we swap it for house work
  • we stop school but we swap it for sight seeing
  • we stop gathering but we swap it for gardening

It is not that house work, sight seeing, and gardening are bad.  They are good in themselves. 

But they are bad if they stop us stopping!!!

There will always be more to do.  

And so the first challenge of entering into rest is to embrace the fact that we are going to stop even though there is more to do.

Stopping is NOT a sign of laziness.  One of the transformations that happened in the AFL in the last 20 years was that being on the bench changed from being a punishment for poor performance TO a vital place of rest that enabled better performance!!

You may not yet be an expert at stopping.  But in these next few weeks have a go at stopping. Start with a 'micro' stop of an hour here or there.  Then try and stretch it to longer periods of time.

In stopping, lack of productivity is a feature not a bug.